You know a lot. However, nowadays your business contact knows a lot too. As a buyer he or she has learned to squeeze the last drop out of any deal. Only when you know the negotiating technique of your contact, you can anticipate and react appropriately and efficiently. This results into an equal relation with your experienced business partners, increased respect and a larger margin.
Who is it for? For you!
- Sales Professionals
- Account Managers
- Sales Managers
- Sales Engineers
- Technical Commercial Staff
Topics included in this training:
- Learn how to anticipate techniques used by purchasing managers that are also applied by trained negotiating partners: Kraljic-matrix, Dupont-model, 4 Dimensions of Purchasing …
- Gain insight: how to offer your interlocutor added value during negotiations
- Correctly assess the balance of power: discover your interlocutor’s real power in the company
- Determine reasons why your negotiation partner presents his position differently to you as a sales person
- Increase the success rate of your offers: DMU-principle in the buying process
Would you like more information or a tailor-made training for your team?
Call Liesbeth Huysmans at +32 (0)475 54 52 48 or mail